Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Go Google!

So google have added charts to their spreadsheets, and a gadget generator for 'igoogle' the new spruced up google personal homepage.

Never understood the logic of charts so my example, based on a fictional attendance rota, looks more like wallpaper than anything else - but then this is my sandbox so what the heck!

The gadget generator lets you create one of 7 different gadgets which you can then add to your Google personal homepage. You can also choose to add your gadget to the gadget directory for others to share. It takes 10 days for your gadget to appear in the directory, in these times of instant content creation that seems like an eternity! I wonder if these gadgets can also be added to other web pages. For now here is a screen print of my Countdown to the Summer Vacation - for all teachers and students who are feeling end of year fidgety.

Gadgets you can create: Countdown, Framed Photo - a rotating photo collection (rotation is either daily or on browser refresh), GoogleGram, a different message every day with a cute little picture that updates every day that passes, YouTube Channel, Personal List, Free form (text and picture), Daily Me - current status, what I'm reading, thinking etc. Nearly forgot...you can mail your gadgets to your friends!

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