Monday, August 20, 2007

Automatic Translation of This Blog ;-)

If you actually visit this blog you will see that I have added a translation bar at the top. Click on one of the flags and after a few seconds you will be taken to the machine translated version.

I checked the Hebrew translation and have to say it was the best laugh I've had since Jay or "Yankel" sent me the following quote from his "Boidem" column, after uncovering yet another of my online identities:-

In Thomas Pynchon's classic novel V. people admit to ruling the world, even
if it isn't completely true.

Stencil shrank at the cold air moving in through the window.
"I'm not a priest. Don't try appealing to someone you've only known in a written confession. We do not walk ganged, Stencil, all our separate selves, like Siamese quintuplets or more. God knows how many Stencils have chased V. about the world."
"Fairing," Stencil croaked, "in whose Parish Stencil was shot, preceded your Father Avalanche."
"I could have told you. Told you the name."
"Saw no advantage in making things worse."
Stencil's eyes narrowed. Majistral turned, caught him looking cagy.
"Yes, yes. Thirteen of us rule the world in secret."

1 comment:

Iteachr said...

Last test comment added in order to check out the comment RSS feed function in the advanced settings of the blog.

Hebrew Reference Search Engine for K6

the audacity of it

Voice Conference

