Saturday, May 3, 2008

Free Content, Graphics, Music etc for websites

These links were collected in a account and then posted to blog by mail.

Project: Free Content, Graphics, Music etc for websites
Equinox Sounds:

Frequently Asked Questions  Are these performances copyright free?Yes, and you can use them in combination with other sounds within your musical compositions and release such compositions commercially without payment of any further fees or royalties(i.e. library music, film/TV music...). However, you cannot use them in isolation (i.e. when not within musical compositions) in a commercially released project (i.e. sample CD, multimedia sound library CD-ROM...).

Creative Commons Search Engine
A Fair(y) Use Tale
Copyright Principles thoroughly explained by Disney Characters in this humorous video by Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University. The video also appears on and so can have subtitles added in different languages.
The Mutopia Project
The Mutopia Project offers sheet music editions of classical music for free download. These are based on editions in the public domain, and include works by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Handel, Mozart, and many others. A team of volunteers are involved in typesetting the music by computer using the LilyPond software. Why not join them?! See the page on how to contribute for more information.
PodSafe Audio - Podsafe Music under the Creative Commons license for Podcasting
We invite you to browse through the songs and artists on this site and download anything that strikes your fancy. The artists on this site have released their music under the Creative Commons license and agreed to allow their music to be used by you in any way and form for webcasting, as long as you don't take credit for the original work
Free Royalty Free Music Loops, Free Royalty Free Sound Effects
You can download and use these free music loops in any any commercial multimedia project but you cannot: • re-sell individually or as a collection or as a ringtone. • post on a website for download as we are doing here. You may use these music loops in a Flash animation or in any other commercial multimedia presentation including TV and Film. In return for the use of these free royalty free music loops we only ask that you please give Partners In Rhyme a link on your website or blog with the easy to use html code below. Just copy and paste and your done.
CalPhotos: Animals
To use any of those photos, you will need to request permission first from the person or organization that contributed the photo. Some contributors allow some kinds of uses without advanced permission but you must verify this first. To find out whether you need permission, check the usage information at the top of the enlargement for the photo you are interested in. You can also find usage information on the photographer's "bio" page (click on the photographer's name on the detail page.)
CSU Libraries: Garst Wildlife Photographs: find animal pictures and information
Copyright Statement Using Images for Non-Commercial Educational Purposes Colorado State University Libraries and Colorado State University Research Foundation retain the copyrights to all images contained herein. The permission of the owner of the copyrights must be secured before an image may be copied, distributed, modified, or displayed. You may print, reproduce, and use the information in our Web documents for non-commercial or educational purposes only, provided that you: (1) do not modify such information, and (2) include any copyright notice originally included with such information. Please see the "Fair Use of Copyrighted Works" for more detail on Colorado State University Libraries' position on "fair use."
stock.xchng - the leading free stock photography site
Share your photos with fellow designers! SXC is a friendly community of photography addicts who generously offer their works to the public free of charge. If you have some nice photos that you'd like to share with others, join us!
These images are primarily for the use of K-12 school students and teachers. All drawings are original works done by students or staff. All photographs are originals, taken by K-12 students and staff. This site is intended as a royalty free source of clipart for educational uses.
PD Photo - Free Photos And Pictures (public domain, stock pictures, wallpaper, royalty free, clip art, etc) is a repository for free public domain photos. Unless something is clearly marked as being copyrighted, you can assume it is free to use. But if you intend to use an image you find here for commercial use, please be aware that standards for such use are higher. Specifically, you should assume no model release was obtained. And pictures featuring products or property should be used with care. The photos are here to be used, but I don't want you to get either of us in trouble over it.
FreePixels - Download Free Stock Photos
Images and digital creations downloaded from our website may be used for both personal and commercial purposes under the limitations of this license. Any magazine, newspaper or other publication, product, design element or promotional material they appear in may be sold or distributed in any way for an unlimited number of times. However, you may not share an image or digital creation by providing access on shared disk drives or network, resell any image or digital creation, use any image or digital creation as part of a trademark or patent image, use any image or digital creation as part of a logo, produce printed reproductions of any image or digital creation on canvas or paper to be sold, use or display any image or digital creation on websites designed to induce sales of "print on demand" products
Powerhouse Museum - Electronic Swatchbook
Swatches or small samples of fabric have been collected and compiled in the form of swatchbooks for at least 300 years. The Powerhouse Museum has several volumes containing thousands of bright, unfaded samples of fashionable fabric designs, braids and laces ranging from the 1830s to the 1990s. This site contains samples from the 1890s through to the 1920s. Public Domain in Australia
The National Photo Collection - Israel
SuTree - Social bookmarking & index of free video lessons, tutorials, how to...
SuTree is a knowledge community. We nurture the ultimate tree of knowledge: the world's largest index & library of free video lessons, video tutorials, video lectures & video how to guides. : free exposure
Plinkme is a joint project between and M6.Net. We intend to develop Plinkme into a service for all photographers as well as bloggers, article writers, article repositories and article republishers. Of course, anyone who wants to use Plinkme photos for commercial or non-commercial purposes is more then welcome.
Open Learning - Openlearn - The Open University
free and open learning educational resources for learners and educators around the world.
Moving at the Speed of Creativity » Free Audio
Use the following search resources to locate audio music files you can legally include in your podcasts:
Main Page - Wikiquote
a free online compendium of quotations from notable people and creative works in every language
Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simple English Wikipedia
The online free encyclopedia
OWL Multimedia » Use YOUR music to find NEW music!
Many of the songs that you'll find here are released under Creative Commons licenses. Owl has currently indexed over 98,980 songs from commercial and independent song catalogs, including the music sites ccMixter, Magnatune, and Jamendo.
Creative Commons Search
Choose a search engine tab above and enter search query. Then click "go" to find Creative Commons-licensed media that you can legally share and reuse for free. For a quick intro to Creative Commons, check out this short video, entitled "Wanna Work Together?"
TeacherTube - "Teach the World."
Our goal is to provide an online community for sharing instructional videos. We seek to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners. It is a site to provide anytime, anywhere professional development with teachers teaching teachers. As well, it is a site where teachers can post videos designed for students to view in order to learn a concept or skill.
Choose a Template to customize from the the ImageChef library. Images can emailed as greetings, or used for decorating your blog or web site.
Very long list of online generators and tools for working with graphics and music About
Musopen is a community driven, online music repository started by a music and economics college student named Aaron Dunn. This site takes music that is in the public domain, meaning a work that belongs to the community, and has it recorded by individuals and college/community orchestras throughout the United States and stored online so it can be accessed for free through this website.
Jonathan Lethem: author's website
These song lyrics are free for songwriters, musicians, and bands to use. Feel free to adapt or revise them in any way, in full or in part.
Midi Music Sounds Archive
For those who ask , there is no recent pop music as it is all copyrighted and I dont want to be prosecuted
Wikipedia:Public domain image resources - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are a number of sources of public domain images on the Web. The presence of a resource on this list does not guarantee that all or any of the images in it are in the public domain. You are still responsible for checking the copyright status of images before you submit them to Wikipedia.
Will's Online World Paper Money Gallery
Images and content from this site are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
Main Page - Gutenberg
There are 20,000 free books in the Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalog. If you don't live in the United States, please check the copyright laws of your country before downloading or redistributing a book.
Public Domain Images
WELCOME! :: You have arrived at the main page for my public domain images. What started out as as small gift to people viewing my art work has become a huge labor of love. On the following pages you will find hundreds of scans of beautiful images from my collection of old books, magazines, and postcards. They are all from material printed prior to 1923 and are in the public domain.
Home for Public Domain Pictures, Free Photos, Royal Stock Images is a repository for free public domain photos. If you intend to use an image you find here for commercial use, please be aware that no model release was obtained and pictures featuring products or property should be used with care. The pictures are free for you to use and you should feel good about doing so. Let us know where you used them. It will make us happy.
Copyright-Free Photo Archive: Public Domain Photos and Images
The photo archive at has more than 27,000 free photos and images, consisting of over 2.5 Gbytes of data. The goal is to make this archive a resource for collage and photo-montage using digital image editing techniques such as those described in Chapter 7 of Grokking the GIMP.
Category:Music sound - Wikimedia Commons
Main Page - Wikimedia Commons
a database of 1,336,879 media files to which anyone can contribute Where photo reference lives.
place to keep post production materials for use of reference, an inactive job file. This morgue file contains free high resolution digital stock photography for either corporate or public use. The term "morgue file" is popular in the newspaper business to describe the file that holds past issues flats. Although the term has been used by illustrators, comic book artist, designers and teachers as well. The purpose of this site is to provide free image reference material for use in all creative pursuits. This is the world wide web's morguefile.
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public
UTOPIA â€" Portrait Gallery
A selection of portraits of historical figures from the Perry-Castañeda Library, University of Texas at Austin. The images in this collection are in the public domain. You do not need to ask for permission to use these images.
Liam’s Pictures from Old Books
Over 1680 images scanned from more than 100 different old books, most with multiple high-resolution versions and many with text excerpts! They are mostly public domain (copyright-free, out of copyright) here in Canada, and often in other countries too, unless otherwise noted, and can be used as historical reference in teaching, royalty-free stock images, scrapbook clip art, or even on your own Web site
American Memory from the Library of Congress
May I use American Memory materials in my school project, my publication, or on my Web page? The Library does not grant or deny permission to use the content mounted in American Memory. Consult the Legal Notices page for more information. Are American Memory materials protected by copyright? The American Memory web site does not provide definitive legal advice on particular questions of copyright, so you must make your own, independent assessment of the legal rights that may exist in thematerials. General information about copyright and other rights in the American Memory materials is provided in the Legal Notices page that links from every American Memory page. Each American Memory collection is accompanied by a more specific copyright statement that links from its home page. Additionally, The Learning Page includes general information about copyright and fair use. Bibliographic records for individual items also often include specific copyright information. More on copyright can be found on the U.S. Copyright Office home page
Yotophoto | Find free photos... fast!
Yotophoto is now indexing well over a quarter million Creative Commons, Public Domain, GNU FDL, and various other 'copyleft' images. We index images in the public domain or available for free usage under various forms of copyleft licensing.
UVic's Language Teaching Clipart Library
This library consists of about 3000 images which we hope will be useful in the teaching of basic vocabulary in a variety of languages. The characters and objects depicted are as culturally neutral as we could make them. This is not a huge resource of graphics; its purpose is to provide a set of those graphics most basic and useful for low-level language-teaching, and at the same time, to make them as easily searchable as possible. The 3000 images consist of 1500 pairs. One member of each pair has a transparent background just big enough to fit the image, the other has a white background 110 by 110 pixels. For example, compare these two images: You may use GIF images from this library on your Website as long as you add an acknowledgement to the UVic Humanities Computing and Media Centre and Half-Baked Software somewhere on your site. If you have any enquiries about this clipart library or what you are permitted to do with it, please email us at
globes flags countries continents usa and world images
Clip Art Usage Policy: Any clip art featured on the pages linked below may be used (without) our written approval on any web site, intranet site or within a document or publication. If you use the clip art we ask for, and would appreciate, a link (of any kind) back to Graphic Maps or
Open Clip Art Library About
This project aims to create an archive of clip art that can be used for free for any use. All graphics submitted to the project should be placed into the Public Domain according to the statement by the Creative Commons. If you'd like to help out, please join the mailing list. Also, browse the archives to review the project's history.
Public Domain Clipart optimized for word processors
WPClipart is a collection of high-quality public domain images specifically tailored for use in word processors, and optimized for printing on home/small office inkjet printers. There are thousands of color graphic clips as well as hundreds of illustrations and photographs. As of Tuesday, 03/27/2007 there are 17,471 images.
Pics4Learning - Tech4Learning
Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library for teachers and students. The Pics4Learning collection consists of thousands of images that have been donated by students, teachers, and amateur photographers. Unlike many Internet sites, permission has been granted for teachers and students to use all of the images donated to the Pics4Learning collection.
ccMixter Welcome to ccMixter
This is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons, where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.
Creative Commons - The Website
Share, reuse, and remix â€" legally. Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved." We're a nonprofit organization. Everything we do â€" including the software we create â€" is free.
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Hebrew Reference Search Engine for K6

the audacity of it

Voice Conference

